Prior to the national lockdown in March 2020, we were running a wide range of provisions, many of which we have had to 'put on hold'. All of these can be accessed in this part of the website.
From January 2021 however, and to help do our bit to alleviate the boredom of the Lockdown, we have begun to hold FREE sessions over Zoom. Click here for further information.
We have hopes to start our usual classes up again when the situation is improved and we will contact former participants, and advertise the following courses, listed below, once it is safe for us to run them, and we have the capacity to do so. One of the big effects of Covid-19 on our company is how we have had to reduce the numbers in rooms to enable social distancing. The earliest we could look at re-introducing any of the following would be September 2021.
These courses/clubs/activities are 'on hold' and are not running in any shape or form:
SoundSMART: course for adults who have learning disabilities
Junior Rock School coaching
Community Music Club
KS4 Thursday morning class